Your subscription will not be renewed if you don't have enough Jelly.
Please make sure that your Jelly auto-charge is set up properly.

[Checking Jelly auto-charge]
Go to the Weverse website > Jelly Shop ( > Auto Purchase

1. One or more automated payment methods must be added.
2. The automated payment methods added must be valid.
- Please check the validity date on your card used for the automated payment.
- The cards that have been canceled, suspended, or reported lost cannot be used. Please replace it with a valid card.
- If you're using a debit card, please check the balance in the linked account for payment.

[Renewal attempts and final cancellation]
- If the payment fails with your added automated payment method, the system will automatically retry the renewal every 24 hours for seven days.
- Your subscription will finally be canceled if the renewal doesn't go through within seven days (168 hours) of the first failed renewal attempt.
- The heart number (consecutive subscription days) and associated benefits will be reset to the default upon the final cancellation. Please check your payment method to ensure that the payment goes through within the seven-day retry period in order to retain your subscription days.

⚠️ Please Note
- You can't receive artist messages while your subscription renewal status hasn't been settled. Even when the subscription is resumed, the messages during this period will not be available.