Weverse DM is a paid service that you can subscribe to for each artist, and it is available both on the app and the web.

1. Subscribe (Purchasing a subscription)
1) APP
- Go to the Weverse app > Select the paper plane icon in the upper right corner > Select an artist > Start DM

2) WEB
- If you're new to the service: You can start your subscription by checking out the [Now on Weverse DM!] section on the Weverse website, or by going to the artist's community and selecting "Start DM" below the artist's profile photo.
- If you're already a subscriber or have a history of subscription: Go to the Weverse homepage > Select "Message" in the bottom right > Enter the DM window > Go to the Subscribe tab (the second one from the left) to subscribe to more artists.

2. Subscription Period and Purchase
- Subscription types: Fixed-term subscription, recurring subscription (monthly subscription)

1) Fixed-term subscription
- This is a subscription that lets you use the DM service during the period you purchased it for.
- Subscription period (days of use): From when the purchase is completed to when the subscription period expires
Every 24 hours is counted as a day of use. The time when a subscription expires is the same as the time it started.
For example, if you buy a 30-day subscription at 2:00 PM on January 1, this subscription expires at 2:00 PM on January 30.
- Scheduling purchase for a fixed-term subscription: 

① You can schedule to purchase the subscription once more during your fixed-term subscription period.
② If you don't have enough Jelly on the scheduled date, then your subscription may expire due to payment failure.
③ Please make sure that you have enough Jelly before the scheduled payment date.

2) Recurring subscription (monthly subscription)
- This is a subscription where your DM subscription is automatically renewed on a fixed date every month.
- Subscription period (days of use): 

① Automatically renewed every month from when the subscription is purchased.
② Every 24 hours is counted as a day of subscription. The time for the subscription renewal is the same as the time when the subscription started.
③ Your subscription will renew each month on the same date you started. If the date doesn't exist in a certain month, it will be renewed on the last day of the month.
For example, if the subscription starts at 2:00 PM on January 31, it gets renewed at 2:00 PM on February 28.
* There may be a delay of up to one hour, depending on the subscription renewal process.
- Canceling subscription: 

① You can cancel a recurring subscription only through the website.
② If you cancel a subscription, the next renewal is canceled and your subscription will expire.
③ Accordingly, it will be valid until the day of expiration in that month. Partial cancellation/refund is not available.

3. Viewing Purchase and Subscription History
1) Viewing subscription history
- APP: Go to Weverse DM > More (፧) in the upper right corner of the chatroom > Manage subscriptions
- WEB: Go to Weverse DM (website) > subscription icon on the left menu > Manage subscriptions

2) Viewing payment history
- APP: Go to the Weverse app > the person icon in the lower right corner > the Jelly section on the top > purchase history to check the Weverse DM purchase history.
- WEB: Go to the Weverse website > the person icon in the upper right corner > the Jelly section in the left > Enter Jelly Shop > View history

⚠️ Please Note
- You must restart within 168 hours (7 days) after a subscription expires to keep the number of consecutive subscription days, regardless of your subscription type. 

- When transitioning from a fixed-term subscription to a regular subscription, the duration of consecutive subscription days will be renewed based on the time of starting the regular subscription and applied accordingly.
- You can't receive artist messages while your subscription renewal status hasn't been settled. Even when the subscription is resumed, the messages during this period will not be available.
- You can see messages you received during your subscription period only, and you will have access to them until you leave the service.
- Your purchased subscription cannot be transferred to a different account. The subscription cannot be transferred to a third person.