You can request a refund through Weverse Customer Support. Please check the policies below before requesting a refund.

[Refund policy]
- You can request a refund within 7 days after you’ve begun using a subscription if your subscription is still unused. (Please contact Customer Support and request a refund within 7 days after you’ve begun using the subscription.)

- You can request a refund within 30 days after you’ve begun using a subscription, if both you and the artist have not sent a message until the point of requesting the refund. (If the subscription has expired, please contact Customer Support and request a refund within 7 days the subscription expired.)

[Please note when requesting a refund]
- If both you and the artist have not sent a message, the subscription will be considered unused.

- When you get a refund, you will be refunded in Jelly, the purchase method for Weverse DM.

- If you have multiple subscriptions, you can request a refund of the subscription you purchased most recently.

- If you delete your account from Weverse before requesting the refund or the refund is processed, the refund will not be completed.