You can get a full refund within 7 days of purchasing Jelly if you have not used it. You will get a refund via the payment method you used to purchase it. Please follow the guidelines below to request for a refund. 

1) If you purchased from Apple App Store, please contact the Apple customer service. 
2) If you purchased from Google Play Store, please contact the Google Play customer service. 
3) If you purchased from the Weverse website (PC or mobile web), please contact Customer Support on Weverse.

Please note when requesting for a refund

You cannot get a refund for Jelly after 7 days from purchasing it.

If you cancel your purchase, all digital products and benefits you purchased with the Jelly will be withdrawn or canceled.

If you're found of abusing Jelly in fraudulent ways, such as repeatedly purchasing, canceling, and refunding the Jelly you used to purchase certain content, you may be permanently banned from the service or have your account deleted in accordance with our service policy. 

If you've been accidentally charged for Jelly due to system errors or during the process of deleting your Weverse Account, please contact Customer Support on Weverse.

When you request for a refund for unreasonably charged Jelly, please submit payment information as below.

How to request for a refund
Please contact Customer Support on Weverse to request a refund and submit the information as below.

[Jelly Refund Request]
Weverse ID used for Jelly purchase:

Amount of Jelly:

Order number: The order number format is different by the payment method you used. To check the payment method you used, please go to Jelly Details >0 Purchased/Collected Jelly.

1) Google Play: Google Play Transaction ID (e.g. GPA.0000 0000 0000 00000)

2) App Store: Please attach a screenshot of the payment receipt from Apple App Store.

3) Weverse website (PC or mobile web): Please attach a screenshot of the Jelly Details page with your purchase information.