"My Collection" is where you can view the badges and Collectibles you've earned.
You can access My Collection through the person icon at the bottom ("More" menu) of the app.

You can still access "Collection" through community profiles as before but you will see badges there. Rewards other than badges, such as Collectibles and Collectible Packs, can only be viewed in My Collection.

* You will earn badges and Collectibles even if you don't join the relevant communities, as long as you have completed missions on your Weverse account. Therefore, if you have completed a mission by participating in Weverse Shop or artist-related events, you'll have earned the related badges and Collectibles and they will be in your My Collection, even if you haven't joined the relevant communities.
* These Collection features including My Collection and Collectibles can only be used and viewed on the mobile app.
* My Collection can only be viewed by the account owner, regardless of whether their community profile is public or not.