All community members will get 3 fan letter vouchers every month automatically.
If you use up all the free vouchers, you can purchase more fan letter vouchers using Weverse Jelly and send more fan letters.

[How to Purchase Fan Letter Vouchers (Mobile APP)]
- A community you joined -> the "+" button on the bottom right corner -> Fan letter -> write your fan letter and select the "Send the fan letter" button
* Use Jelly or free fan letter vouchers to send your fan letter.
- A community you joined -> Feed tab -> Fan Letter tab -> Fan Letter viewer -> the fan letter icon button on the bottom right corner -> Fan letter -> write your fan letter and select the "Send the fan letter" button
* Use Jelly or free fan letter vouchers to send your fan letter.

[Fan Letter Voucher Details]
- Your fan letter vouchers expire. You can see the expiration date for your fan letter vouchers by following the steps below:

※ Mobile APP
- A community you joined -> Feed tab -> Fan Letter tab -> Fan Letter viewer -> "Fan Letter Voucher" area at the top right

- A community you joined -> Artist tab -> Fan Letter -> ? MY tab -> "My Fan Letters" area at the top

⚠️ Please Note
- Free fan letter vouchers will be provided on the first day of every month.
- Free fan letter vouchers must be used within the month (KST).
- Purchased fan letter vouchers have separate expiration dates. Please check their expiration dates in the 
"Fan Letter Vouchers".
- If you used all of your free fan letter vouchers for the month, you will not receive additional free fan letter vouchers by leaving the community and then joining again.